Just back from a week of Tai Chi and Qigong training with my teacher, Roger Jahnke. It was amazing! I can’t wait to share some new forms and ideas with folks in my classes.
Here’s a thought I had on the plane ride home: think of Qigong as play rather than work. Play denotes something that gives us pleasure. Some of us play golf or tennis because we love to, not because participating in these sports is “good for us.” Think about what what you would rather do: play your favorite sport or work out at the gym? Most people would vote for play.
When we cultivate a playful attitude in our practice, it does two things: First, it makes us want to do Qigong more often. Second, it causes us to relax, which amplifies the mental, physical and spiritual benefits.
For more information about Qigong and a schedule of local classes, visit my website: www.MovingHarmony.com